Text and pictures © 1990-2025 Guillaume Dargaud
Last updated on 2021/11/05
"That's the problem with nature. Something's always stinging you or oozing mucus on you. Let's go watch TV." —Calvin.
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Green bug on purple flower (I don't know much, ain't I), France, 2007
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Butterfly cough on a thistle like on a velcro, hence long dead and dry, France, 2007
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Insect on orange flower (sorry if that's vague, write me if you know more), France, 2007
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The Hawk-moth, a hummingbird-like butterfly hovering above its dinner, France, 2007
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Macroglossum stellatarum butterfly sucking nectar from a 'butterfly tree', France, 2007
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Wasp trying to finish a last drop of sap before taking off drunk, France, 2007
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Praying mantis getting a good hold on its prey, Verdon, 2007
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Strangely colored mushroom friends on a trail, Chartreuse, 2007
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Rosa canina fruits, also known as rosehip, Chartreuse, 2007
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A toad trying to warm up in the morning sun on an alpine trail, Bargy, 2008
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Gecko toe seen through a window, Madagascar, 2008
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Land turtle (not ninja, non-irradiated and into its middle age), Madagascar, 2008
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Intimidating crocodile, Madagascar, 2008
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If you step on my nose again, I'll bite your leg off, Madagascar, 2008
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Crocodile waiting in the water, Madagascar, 2008
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Indri lemur, Madagascar, 2008
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Smiling crocodile, Madagascar, 2008
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Chameleon on a branch, Madagascar, 2008
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Land hermit crab at night, Madagascar, 2008
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Ring-tail lemur checking out my pack, Madagascar, 2008
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Horned chameleon, Madagascar, 2008
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Frog on the side of a waterfall, Madagascar, 2008
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Donut throwers during traditional celebration in Bacugno, Italy, 2009
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Funny Tawney Frogmouth bird that didn't like being woken up, Tasmania, 1992
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Corno Grange seen from Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso, 1999
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The North Kaibab valley with the Grand Canyon of Colorado at the bottom, Arizona, 2002
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Kangaroos family gathering in the evening, Australia, 2006
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Funnybirds Kookabura putting on a show, Australia, 2006
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Limestone carved by the rain in Gran Sasso, Central Italy, 1998
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Autumn at the base of the Owl, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2002
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Pelicans resting after a fishing spree, Australia, 2006
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Couple of Bush-Tail possums in their nest, Tasmania, 1992
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Praying Mantis waiting for its next target, Australia, 2006
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Thunder strike above our Fort Collins condo, Colorado, 2003
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Snow covered trees on Macera de Morte, Appenino, Central Italy, 1999
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Corella cockatoos on eucalyptus branch, Australia, 2006
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Woodworm tracks on eucalyptus bark, Australia, 2006
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A young fern slowly unrolling as it grows, New Zealand, 2005
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The summit sheep of the Grande Sure, Chartreuse, 2009
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